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Capoeira is for everyone
Curious about capoeira? The London School of Capoeira Herança was the first school established in the UK for teaching this Brazilian martial art combining dance, rhythm, music and graceful movement.
Find out how you can try out capoeira, learn more about its origins and become a part of our tradition.
About the School
Find out more about the London School of Capoeira from our students.
The Batizado took place at the London School of Capoeira in 2023, where the LSCH students were graded publicly. Games were played, while singing, clapping, excitement and encouragement from friends and audience pushed participants and Masters to another level - that is Capoeira!
Hire our studios
The London school of Capoeira also hires our two beautiful studios for workshops, classes and events. Find out more about our space in North London.